One Punch Can Kill is an anti-violence program for Stage 5 students.
The One Punch Can Kill program, a three part initiative which began in 2009, aims to challenge the ideas of young people in relation to violence. Students are exposed to an audio-visual display which presents the prevalence of violence in today's society and its consequences in the context of our core values: Respect, Responsibility and Excellence. Our program shares its title with a Queensland Government initiative of the same name. That program's website and some of the other relevant websites explored in our program, are listed below.
One Punch Can Kill
The Matthew Stanley Foundation
Step Back, Think
Students are asked to complete the One Punch Can Kill worksheet (pdf, 69 KB)as they explore these and other websites.
A third vital aspect of the program is the student declaration that we ask students to commit to and sign in the presence of their parents/carers.
The Declaration
As a young Australian, I commit to ending the cycle of violence that is ruining the lives of all people involved in violent incidents, including their families. I will do my best to find non-violent means of conflict resolution and I commit to looking out for my mates, helping them to do the same.