Positive Behaviour for Learning
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) involves the explicit teaching of positive social and behaviour skills through the curriculum. Wadalba Community School has the core values of Respect, Responsibility and Excellence.
- views the system setting or skills deficiencyof the problem
- adjusts systems and the setting to improve skills
- identifies and teaches replacement skills and builds relationships
- relies primarily on positive approaches
- has a goal of sustained results over time
- is developed collaboratively
- is not limited to a particular group, but forthe whole school community.
We show and earn Respect by:
- using manners
- allowing others to learn without interruption
- showing care for others and their property
- showing consideration and tolerance.
We accept Responsibility by:
- being punctual and prepared for lessons
- actively participating
- learning and letting others learn
We strive for Excellence by:
- setting and achieving goals
- always wearing uniform
- doing our best
- following school rules
- celebrating success