Scooter and Bike Riding Policy
1. For further information please go to: Travelling safely to and from school on a bike or scooter (
Context: Bicycles, scooters and skateboards are ways of transport for students to school. As well as being a mode of transport, they provide students with much needed exercise. At Wadalba Community School , it is important that parents and carers accept responsibility for how their child travels to and from school. The NSW Centre for Road Safety Transport for NSW recommends parents and carers actively guide children riding scooters and skateboards.
2. Audience and Applicability
This procedure is for all users, staff, students and parents.
3. Implementation
3.1 Rights and Responsibilities:
Students riding bikes to school must abide by road traffic rules. This includes:
· Wearing a compliant safety helmet.
· Riding a bike that is safe and equipped with working brakes.
· Riding on approved paths and roadways in a safe manner.
Bikes are to be stored in the designated bike enclosure and be secured by the student and are not to be ridden on school grounds.
Wadalba Community School and the Department of Education or its employees does not take responsibility for bikes brought onto the school premises nor provide supervision even though the enclosure is supervised by CCTV footage.
Students failing to meet these requirements may lose the right to bring their bike to school. Parents may be contacted to collect bikes where students are not compliant to ensure the safety of students. The School’s Police Liaison Officer may be engaged to assist with students who are persistent offenders.
Scooter and Skateboards:
Students riding scooters and skateboards to school must abide by road traffic rules. This includes:
· Wearing a compliant safety helmet.
· Riding on approved paths and roadways in a safe manner.
Scooters are to be stored in the rack provided. Students must secure their scooter using their own lock. Skateboards are to be stored in the designated enclosure and will be locked by Head Teacher Administration at 8:15 am every morning and unlocked at 2:30 pm every afternoon. Scooters and skateboards are not to be ridden on school grounds.
Wadalba Community School and the Department of Education or its employees does not take responsibility for scooters and skateboards brought onto the school premises nor provide supervision even though the enclosure is supervised by CCTV footage.
3.1 Breach of this Procedure:
Any breach of this procedure will be considered by the Principal or delegate and will be dealt with on a case by case basis. A breach of this procedure could result in privileges being revoked.
4. Responsibilities & Guidelines
Responsibilities are broken into 4 user roles below:
4.1. Student Users - All students are to follow the Wadalba Community School Bike, Scooter and Skateboard Procedure and all teacher instructions regarding the use of the same, as well as provide a permission note for their use.
4.2. Teaching Staff - All teaching staff are responsible for ensuring that students adhere to the guidelines presented within the procedure and follow up on student misuse. Teaching staff are not responsible for the supervision of bikes, scooters, or skateboards.
4.3. Parents and caregivers – Are responsible for the maintenance of their child’s bicycle and scooter and are to ensure their child always wears an Australian Standards approved helmet when riding. Bicycles, scooters, or skateboards must be in good, safe working order, and bicycles must be fitted with a working brake and a bell. They are also responsible for ensuring their child is aware of and follows the school and road rules relating to bicycles, scooters, or skateboards. This includes pedestrian’s right of way on footpaths and using a bell as a warning when approaching pedestrians.
4.4. The School Executive – Are to ensure that staff and students are aware of their rights and responsibilities in the correct use of bikes, scooters, and skateboards. It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher Administration to lock and unlock the secure skateboard shed.