Advanced English
Assessment Schedule
Task Number | Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 | Task 4 |
Nature of Task | Common Module: Texts and the Human Experience | Module A: Textual Conversatons | Module C: Craft of Writing | Trial Examination |
Short Answers and Extended Response | Multimodal Presentation | Creative and Reflection | Common Module Module A, Module B, Module C | |
Date of Task | Term 4, Week 10 | Term 1, Week 8 | Term 2, Week 10 | Term 3, Weeks 4-5 |
Term 4
Common module: Texts and Human Experiences (30 hours)
Students deepen their understanding of how texts represent individual and collective human experiences. Students appreciate, explore, interpret, analyse and evaluate the ways language is used to shape these representations in a range of texts in a variety of forms, modes and media.
Module A: Textual Conversations (30 hours)
Students explore the ways in which the comparative study of texts can reveal resonances and dissonances between and within texts. By comparing two texts students understand how composers are influenced by other texts, contexts and values, and how this shapes meaning
Term 2
Module B: Critical Study of Literature (30 hours)
Students develop detailed analytical and critical knowledge, understanding and appreciation of a substantial literary text.
Term 3
Module C: The Craft of Writing (30 hours)
Students strengthen and extend their knowledge, skills and confidence as accomplished writers. Students write for a range of audiences and purposes using language to convey ideas and emotions with power and precision.
Standard English
Assessment Schedule
Task Number | Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 | Task 4 |
Nature of Task | Common Module: Texts and Human Experiences (short answer in-class & extended response) | Module B: Close Study of Literature Essay | Module A: Language, Identity and Culture (Multimodal Class) | Trial HSC Examination (Paper 1 - Common 5%, Paper 2 - Module C 25%) |
Term 4
COMMON MODULE: Texts and Human Experiences
This module focuses on comprehension, language analysis and developing students' personal, critical and creative responses through interpreting and responding to short texts, for example extracts. They compare and contrast texts and their purposes, audiences and contexts. They develop accuracy in comprehension and proficiency in language analysis, and consolidate and build on skills, knowledge and understanding from English Stage 5.
Term 1
Students develop an informed understanding, knowledge and appreciation of a substantial text. They explore information, ideas, attitudes and values that are communicated in and through the text, and they examine and reflect on the ways in which the content, form and language of the text have been composed and assembled.
Term 2
MODULE A: Language, Culture and Identity
Students explore and analyse the ways that language is used to express the complexities and subtleties of personal, social and cultural identity. They investigate how textual forms and conventions and language structures and features are used to communicate information, ideas, values and attitudes which inform and influence perceptions of ourselves and other peoples. Students also consider the impact texts have on shaping individuals’ or communities’ sense of identity.
Term 3
Students develop an informed understanding, knowledge and appreciation of a substantial text. They explore information, ideas, attitudes and values that are communicated in and through the text, and they examine and reflect on the ways in which the content, form and language of the text have been composed and assembled.
English Studies
Assessment Schedule
Task Number | Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 | Task 4 |
Nature of Task | Common Mandatory Module: Texts and Human Experiences | Elective Module N: The Way We Were | Elective Module H: Part of a Family | All Four Modules |
Persuasive Response | Informative Presentation Project | Imaginative Responses | Collection of Classwork | |
Date of Task | Term 4, Week 10 | Term 1, Week 9 | Term 2, Week 8 | Term 3, Week 6 |
Term 4
COMMON MODULE: Texts and Human Experiences
Students deepen their understanding of how texts represent individual and collective human experiences. Students appreciate, explore, interpret, analyse and evaluate the ways language is used to shape these representations in a range of texts in a variety of forms, modes and media.
Term 1
MODULE F: MiTunes and Text
Students develop a deeper understanding of how language is used in a range of song lyrics to express emotions, attitudes, ideas and themes related to the human experience. They respond to and compose texts to explore the relationship between the language forms and features used in poems and how these can be used imaginatively and powerfully in song lyrics.
Term 2
MODULE N: The Way We Were
Students develop understanding and proficiency in the use of language related to history, with a specific focus on the ways history is presented through texts. They develop knowledge, understanding and skills in comprehending and using terminology and styles and language forms necessary for analysing, discussing, responding to and evaluating general issues and topics relating to ‘exploring our past’. They further develop their skills in comprehending, expressing opinions and composing imaginative, analytical, persuasive and informative texts about ‘the way we were’ in different contexts, for example the local community, the wider community and the workplace.
Term 3
MODULE B- Telling Us All About It
Students develop a deeper understanding of the ways language is used to report on news and current affairs issues in various media forms such as television news programs, documentary programs, news bulletins, television infotainment shows, newspapers, current affairs magazines and online news sources. Students also develop an increased awareness of the ways language is used in various media forms in the world of advertising, for example in websites, print media, television and product placement.
Extension English
Assessment Schedule
Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 |
Narrative and Public Reading | Critical Essay | Trial HSC Examination |
Term 1, Week 10 | Term 2, Week 10 | Term 3, Weeks 4-5 |
Term 4
Literary Worlds
Common module and Worlds of Upheaval
Students explore, investigate, experiment with and evaluate the ways texts represent and illuminate the complexity of individual and collective lives in literary worlds. They deepen their understanding of how texts construct private, public and imaginary worlds that can explore new horizons and offer new insights.
Term 1, 2 and 3
Worlds of Upheaval
In this elective, students explore and evaluate textual representations of the experiences of individuals and communities seeking unity, certainty, solace, justice or restoration in periods of significant social and political change and upheaval. They analyse how texts represent the predicaments, aspirations, motivations and ideas of individuals and groups in periods of upheaval and reflect on the potential of texts to activate change in attitudes, perspectives and social circumstances.