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Middle School Curriculum Overview
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
My Name is Mrs Beverly Partridge and I am the Head Teacher Teaching and Learning responsible for Year 7 Middle School classes and the Language faculty.
Middle School Curriculum Overview
The primary purpose of Middle School classes is to support students in their transition from primary to high school by catering to the needs of students in early adolescence. The transition from primary to high school is one of the biggest challenges young adolescents face and we are dedicated to supporting students with this change through our highly successful Middle School program.
Year 7 classes that are part of the Middle School program are 7B, 7D, 7E, 7G, 7N, 7P, 7W and 7Y. Each of these classes are supported in their transition by having one or two home teachers. In addition, the home teacher (or in the case of classes with two home teachers, one of the teachers) acts as a mentor and is an advocate to all of the students in the class.
The Year 7 classes and teachers are as follows:
7B Mrs Beverly Partridge for Humanities (English, Geography and History)
Mr Liam Simmons for MPS (Maths, PDHPE and Science)
7D Mr Chris Forster for MPS (Maths, PDHPE and Science)
7E Mr Niven Willliams for Humanities (English, Geography and History)
7G Mr Ethan Rapp for Humanities (English, Geography and History)
7N Mrs Kelly Moffat for Humanities (English, Geography and History)
Mr Chris Forster for MPS (Maths, PDHPE and Science)
7P Mrs Kelly Moffat for Humanities (English, Geography and History)
7W Mr Ethan Rapp for Humanities (English, Geography and History)
Mr Liam Simmons for MPS (Maths, PDHPE and Science)
7Y Mrs Beverly Partridge for Humanities (English, Geography and History)
Year 7 Advisor – Mr Paul George
Our Year 7 classes were structured with two academic classes and nine mixed ability classes. These academic classes were formed by using a combination of results received from Primary Schools and scores in the High School Academic test conducted at Wadalba last year. Students who consistently perform well have the opportunity to gain a spot in these classes.
Classroom Management
Our core values at Wadalba Community School are reinforced in the classroom-
- Show and Earn RESPECT
- Strive for EXCELLENCE
Part of my role as the Middle School Head Teacher is to deal with students who are persistently failing to comply with instructions, consistently cause distractions in the classroom and prevent the teacher from educating others. We will not accept or tolerate this behaviour. I will notify you if your child is not complying with school rules and procedures to seek your support in motivating your child to get back on track.
MPS (Measuring Physical Space)
The focus across each KLA involved with MPS this term is based on the essential skill required to gain a basic understanding of all aspects across the Mathematics, PDHPE and Science key learning areas.
Classes will focus on Algebra and the use of positive and negative integers. They will be solving problems associated with Algebra and everyday life.
Classes will be focusing on Personal Identity. They will delve into what make them unique and how they relate to those around them.
PE lessons this term will be looking at skills required to compete in the schools Athletics carnival as well as the Cross Country. These activities aim to improve gross motor skills, sportsmanship, athletics and cross country running. It is compulsory for students to bring their sports uniform to school during PE Practical lessons and a hat is highly recommended.
Classes will be learning about the components of a scientific report as well as safe laboratory procedures. The main focus this term will be Chemistry and the different states of matter. They will be encouraged to develop a willingness to use evidence and reason to engage with and respond to scientific and technological ideas as informed, reflective citizens.
Humanities comprises of English, Geography and History. English is taught all year while Geography (Terms 1 and 2) and History (Terms 3 and 4) are semesterised.
The topics in Humanities this term are A Hero’s Journey for the English component and “Landscapes and Landforms” for the geography component. In first Semester students study English and Geography while in second semester they study English and History.
Lessons are developed to incorporate the outcomes of the English, History and Geography syllabi in an effort to enhance student comprehension of concepts and skills required for success in these courses. In addition, students will be setting themselves measurable learning goals. We ask that parents/caregivers talk to their child about these goals and offer support where possible.
The development of students’ reading, comprehension and vocabulary skills is viewed as an important requirement of the Humanities course and lessons are designed to build upon these skills. It is expected that all students will read the novel that has been set as part of this term’s unit of study
Homework is set by each teacher at their discretion. It can range from set tasks to completion of activities which were not completed in class. Students in Year 7 should be reading for at least 20 minutes a night. To assist with numeracy rehearsing times tables up to 12 will help students with the concepts being taught in Maths. In addition there is an excel study guide booklet for Mathematics which is available from the school office for $16.00. Students will need to see their classroom teacher for the relevant chapter that mirrors what they are learning in class.
Rewards, Awards and Commendations
Students displaying our three core values will be rewarded by receiving one of the following;
Wadalba Winners – These gain house points and can be placed into a draw to win prizes.
Commendations – These are of higher value than Wadalba Winners. Commendation count towards students gaining a Bronze, Silver or Gold award at positive Year Assemblies.
Positive Referrals – An electronic commendation that counts towards gaining a Bronze, Silver of Gold award at positive Year Assemblies.
Throughout the year teachers will nominate Middle School students for special mention in the newsletter.
Year 7 Camp
All students who have displayed satisfactory behaviour will be given the opportunity to participate in a three day Outdoor Adventure Camp at Th Great Aussie Bush Camp in Term 1.
Contact with the School
If you have any concerns about the welfare of your child or would like to talk to one of your child’s teachers the Year Advisor is the person you need to contact. For any discipline concerns you can contact me, Mrs Beverly Partridge.
Information about what is happening at is regularly updated on our school website: and on Facebook.