Latest News

Welcome back to English at Wadalba. This year feels like it is off to a great start already and is looking to be an amazing year of learning! The English classes have started with enthusiasm with many students eager to have met with some new teachers and classmates. This year we welcome Mrs Way to the faculty, as well as Head of Teaching and Learning and we wish her all the best for the year ahead.
School Supplies
To start off the year, we would like all students to have a work book, multiple pens, pencils, highlighters and a ruler. Scissors, glue and coloured pencils are desirable also, so please check with your teacher if these are needed. Remember to replenish your stocks as the term and year goes on.
What’s happening in the classroom?
YEAR 7 – Our new Year 7 students have started their high school journey with smiles and fantastic attitudes towards learning. In English they have commenced working through a unit called ‘Belonging’ which will allow them to see how English can assist them in becoming part of our school and broader community.
YEAR 8 – Our Year 8 students have moved into their second year of high school and are starting their year with a unit on ‘Poetry’. Students will discover the hidden meanings in poems as they develop their textual analysis skills.
YEAR 9 – Our Year 9 cohort have jumped straight into a ‘Novel Study’. Here they will discover the way characters are closely linked to themes within the novel.
YEAR 10 – With our Year 10 students moving closer to senior school, we have started the year with a unit on ‘Poetry’. Students will continue working on their ability to identify figurative and poetic language devices used in poetry and the way they affect meaning.
Year 11 English Studies – Year 11 English Studies are studying their mandatory module: Achieving through English. This program aims to prepare students for entering the workforce, and to be informed members of the community. Students will be learning to write cover letters, resumes and resignation letters, Students will be learning about their rights as employees, how to effectively prepare for interviews and about issues in the community.
YEAR 11 Standard and Advanced – Both courses have started with a unit focusing on ‘Reading to Write’. This course allows students to see how reading is essential to understanding writing.
YEAR 12 English Studies – Year 12 English Studies are starting the term studying the elective Module N: The Way We Were. This program focuses on language related to history and explores the way history is presented in texts. In this unit we are focusing on Australia’s involvement in World War 2. Therefore, we will be looking at various things such as: Indigenous soldiers and prisoners of war experiences. We will be doing this via analysing a range of texts, such as documentaries, poems etc. Students will also be undertaking various research tasks throughout the term.
YEAR 12 English Standard – Exploring the novel ‘Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime’ by Mark Haddon
YEAR 12 English Advanced – Textual Conversations focusing on the poets Wit and Donne