Below are some extracts from relevant DET policies:
Extract from the current NSW DET Curriculum Support Technology FAQ website
Section 1: General information for all staff
Footwear is an important safety item. Good soles provide a sound grip on the floor preventing accidents from occurring. Footwear can also protect feet from mechanical or chemical damage.
It is mandatory that students carrying out practical activities using chemicals or equipment in schools wear enclosed leather footwear. sandals, open footwear or high heeled shoes must not be worn in workshop areas or laboratories.
Australian Standard, AS2210 provides information on the suitability of footwear, sole designs and materials for different types of surfaces.
In some cases, safety footwear is necessary. Where impact, cuts or chemical spills are possible, the footwear should comply with Australian Standard AS2210 Parts 1 and 2.
DET School Uniform Policy
6.1 Implementing school uniform requirements
6.1.6 Responses to students who do not wear uniform must be appropriate. They should be clarified, agreed upon by the school community and documented. Responses must be fair and consistent. They must not prevent students from continued participation in essential curriculum activities except where exclusion is necessary for reasons of safety. In this situation, alternative educational activities must be provided. Personal protective equipment
Whenever required by a risk assessment, teachers must ensure that students use appropriate personal safety equipment. All necessary items are available from either Q-Stores or Government contract suppliers.
Teachers and SASS staff should act as role models for students by using personal protective items whenever necessary.
(a) Eye protection
Eye protection devices are made in a range of styles to suit different purposes and the needs of the individual. A variety of eye and face protection equipment should be purchased and maintained. These include glasses, goggles and face shields.
(d) Footwear
Substantial footwear appropriate to a practical activity should be worn. Footwear such as thongs, open weave type shoes, or shoes with openings at toes or heels, platforms or high-heel shoes should not be worn in areas which present hazardous situations. Where indicated by a risk assessment, the wearing of safety footwear is mandatory.
(e) Aprons and protective clothing
Aprons or other protective clothing should be worn by all participants in practical activities to avoid splashes and spills when indicated by a risk assessment.
In some circumstances, such garments as overalls may be more appropriate. Disposable overalls are readily available from safety equipment suppliers and are particularly useful for activities like spray painting and agricultural spraying.