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We have two specialist Japanese language teachers. Mr Ben Forsyth and Ms Clare Talbot. All Year 8 classes will learn Japanese and there are elective classes in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Year 8 Japanese will be entering their first year of Japanese and will also be learning how to read and write the Hiragana writing system. They will then be learning how to talk about themselves and their friends. Year 8 will then introduce themselves by answering questions in Japanese, using all of the language they have learnt this term. Throughout the year students will also learn about a range of cultural events and festivals as they happen in Japan.
This term Year 9 have begun their studies by setting Daruma Goals for their learning in Japanese in 2021. Their first Unit of Work is called 'Isogashii Desu ka?' 'Are you Busy?, in which they learn to tell the time, talk about their daily routines and describe what they're having for lunch! The students will also be able to compare their lives with those of students of a similar age in Japan. Later this term, the students will be focusing on the acquisition of the Katakana script.
Year 10 Japanese will start the year with the topic, 'Milestones in Our Lives’ which looks at important events in students’ lives. Students will be continuing to learn their Katakana script and some new Kanji characters. In week 5 students will look at Fast food in Australia and Japan and learn how to talk about making healthy choices in Japanese.
Year 11 Beginners
Beginners will be starting out by learning the Japanese Hiragana writing system and then will be moving on to learn how to introduce themselves in Japanese. Year 11 are beginning their Japanese language learning this term and have set Daruma goals- goals for their learning in Japanese in 2021. Daruma goals are a traditional Japanese custom and will be revisited at the end of 2021 by which time many students will have achieved their goals. Throughout Term 1 students will also learn about a range of cultural events and festivals as they happen in Japan.
Year 11 Continuers
Students will continue to study and build upon their Japanese skills from Years 9 and 10 and will start the year revising learnt content in topics ‘How do you do’, ‘Exchange student’ and ‘This is the first time I’ve been to Japan’.
Year 12 Beginners
Year 12 will begin Book 8, which looks at Giving and understanding directions around town and shopping or eating in a restaurant. Students will take part in treasure hunt activities where directions will be given in Japanese and will take them to different parts of the school. Students will also write their own directions for their classmates in Japanese.
will resume their learning in term 1, carrying on with the In a restaurant/ shopping centre topic and will be working towards their HSC this year.
Our Elective Japanese students and some Year 8 groups will be visiting the Nihongo Tanken Centre (Japanese Immersion Centre) this year. There they will be experiencing a whole day ‘in Japan’, playing games and eating a delicious Japanese lunch in the garden at the Centre.
We are looking forward to providing wonderful learning opportunities for all our language students at Wadalba!
Warm regards
Mr Ben Forsyth, Ms Clare Talbot (Classroom teachers)
Mrs Beverly Partridge (Head Teacher –Languages)