Latest News

The HSIE faculty would like to welcome back all students and families for 2023.
Students have settled into their 2023 classes and reports from teachers indicate that the majority are off to a positive start. There have been some staffing changes in the HSIE faculty and we would like to welcome Mr Highton and Mr Baxter.
We have a number of excursions planned for students, with more details will be provided as the year progresses.
The HSIE faculty strongly encourage all students to be responsible for their own learning by:
• Being on time • Being a regular attender • Having your equipment ready
• Completing all classwork •Being Organised • Submitting Assessment tasks on time
We are looking forward to working with both Parents and Students to ensure a successful year. Please contact the faculty with any concerns and we will do our bet to address them to achieve a positive outcome for all.
2023 HSIE Stage 4 and Stage 5 Scope and Sequence