Latest News

Stage 4
Visual Arts
The CAPA faculty warmly welcomes Year7 who will study Visual Arts and Music for one semester each, swapping over after the July holidays. The Art staff are very excited to engage with our new Year 7 classes as they have already demonstrated creativity and originality in their Monster in Me unit of work. Continuing into the term we will be exploring forms and features of mythical creatures through mediums such as drawing, painting and sculpture. This term we will be learning the Elements of Art while completing lots of practical art activities. This will lead to students designing and constructing a clay monster. Parents and carers are reminded that the Visual Arts course carries a $30 fee which can be paid at the front office or online. All students are required to have a Visual Arts Process Diary. Welcome to Art Year 7!
We would like to welcome both Years 7 and 8 to Music. While Year 7 will swap with Visual Arts later in the year, our Year 8 students will be studying Music for a full year. This term they will be studying ‘Rhythms of the World’. They will be developing their skills on the ukulele, guitar, keyboard and Djembe drums throughout the term, learning a variety of culturally specific rhythms and playing techniques. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in an Aboriginal Music workshop at the end of the term, where they will learn about the instruments, songs and stories important to Aboriginal people. All students are required to bring an exercise book for class. Stage 4 Music fees are $30.
Stage 5
Visual Art
This term Year 9 Visual Arts will begin with foundation drawing. We will be looking at engaging the right side of our brain (our creative side). Students will learn how to examine what they see and then develop their drawing skills into successful lino prints. Students will receive an art kit of a watercolour disc and paintbrush upon paying fees -$55.00.
Stage 5 Drama is a practical subject and requires students to work together to create scripts and performance. The Year 10 Drama class has started the term with focus and commitment. They are straight into a study of Physical Theatre and the play script ‘Hoods’ by Angela Betzien. This is the second year of Drama for many of these students so we look forward to some great performance opportunities. Later in the year students will develop their skills in monologue performance and essay writing in preparation for the Senior Drama course. Students are reminded to bring shorts or tights to each lesson and fees for Year 10 Drama are set at $20.
Our Year 10 Photography students will be working on the unit ‘Urban Decay’ through digital images, with a smaller focus on dark room skills. Students will be learning about the Elements of Art and creative camera angles and techniques. They will further their skills in Photoshop and continue to work within the darkroom to explore the concept shapes and shadows. Fees for Year 10 Photography are $55.
Year 9 will be developing their skills and confidence in performing in front of an audience and will be working towards featuring in school performances in the future. The topic they will be focussing on in class this term is ‘The Blues’.
Year 10 Music are studying Classical Music in Term 1. Fees for both year 9 and 10 Music are $30.
Print Making
Through the year the Print Making elective class will be introduced to the practice of screen printing and lino printing. They will focus on the different techniques involved in producing successful prints on various fabrics and materials. During the course they will also study different print artists and their impacts on society. Fees for this course are $55.
The Year 9/10 100hr Ceramics elective class will be creating some structured hand built pots; learning the techniques of pinch pots, coil and slab building and firing in the kiln. They will be doing computer research at times but for the most part they are working with clay, creating usable items. We have plastic aprons available to protect clothing and fees for this course are $55.
Stage 6
The Preliminary course will begin with Music for Small Ensembles – Jazz and Blues focus. Their first assessment task will be Core Performance with Viva Voce in Week 9 of Term 1. HSC Music is well underway with the completion of the Core Composition Task 1 last term. This term students will present their practical works in progress, in preparation for their practical exam in September. Students will also complete their Core Viva Voce Assessment Task in week 7 of Term 1.
Visual Art
Welcome to all the students who have not done Visual Arts for a few years, they all are very keen. Year 11 will be exploring drawing, painting, photography and hope to fit in some ceramics this semester. This course is 50% theory and 50% practical and in theory lessons we will cover case studies exploring artists Brett Whiteley and Rosalie Gascoigne. Students will receive an art kit upon paying fees -$55.00.
Year 12 will be continuing to develop their ideas and starting their Body Of Work (BOW) which is due at the end of August. In theory students will complete a case study of Patricia Piccinni and further develop their essay writing.
Year 11 Drama have begun the year with a focus on Improvisation and Playbuilding skills. Term 1 workshops will also introduce a variety of acting styles and techniques and assessment will be a devised or scripted duologue performance. Students are reminded to bring shorts or tights to all practical lessons and fees for senior Drama are $20
Whole School Initiatives and Excursions
ANZAC Day Marching Drum Corp will begin rehearsals this term in readiness to lead the veterans down Alison Road Wyong on the 25th of April. See Mr Vojkovic
The Grove Recording Studio - Due to COVID we were only able to visit to The Grove once in 2020. This year, we look to visit and record at this amazing world-class facility a couple of times throughout the year.
Youth In Performing Arts (YIPA) audition applications are available from Ms Annear – school auditions will be between 8th March until 1st April. HSC 2020 student who would like to be involved and general auditions are invited to audition through Laycock Street theatre on the 21st, 28th and 29th March.
Stage 5 and 6 students should keep their eyes and ears out for opportunities to attend excursions to experience live theatre, site visits and exhibitions.
Year 8 students who demonstrated an interest in Visual Arts last year will be invited to attend excursions and workshops throughout the year.
CAPA TAP – 2022
Our Creative and Performing Arts Talented and Aspirational Program will run in 2022 for students in Year 8. Year 7 students who are interested in this program should make themselves known to their classroom teacher (Music or Art) or see Ms Johnson in Staffroom 2. Application information packages will be issued to interested students this term for audition at the end of Term 2. Thank you to all students who have already identified themselves and for those seeking more information, please see our school website for further information.
HSC 2021
Congratulations to our HSC Music, Drama, Dance and Visual Arts students for a great year and positive HSC results. The CAPA faculty would like to acknowledge Jack Chambers and Abbi Yeo for achieving Band 6 results in the Music 1 course and receiving nominations for both local and state wide HSC showcases. Jack has also secured a scholarship to study a Bachelor of Music Education at the Newcastle Conservatorium of music. Outstanding results!
CAPA would like to welcome Mr Mealor to our faculty this year and we look forward to another amazing year in Creative and Performing Arts!